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path: root/tetris.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'tetris.pas')
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tetris.pas b/tetris.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ce680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tetris.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+program TetrisGame;
+uses crt, figure, tetree;
+ StartingDuration = 800;
+ FastDuration = 300;
+ LeftArrow = -75;
+ RightArrow = -77;
+ UpArrow = -72;
+ DownArrow = -80;
+ esc = 27;
+ WhiteSpace = 32;
+ LimitTurns = 3;
+ MaxPoints = 100000;
+ GameStatus = record
+ GoOut, pause: boolean;
+ IsUserInput: boolean;
+ TurnsCount: byte;
+ fall: boolean;
+ CurPoints: longword;
+ IsWin: boolean
+ end;
+procedure GetKey(var code: integer);
+ ch: char;
+ ch := ReadKey;
+ if ch = #0 then
+ begin
+ ch := ReadKey;
+ code := -ord(ch);
+ exit
+ end;
+ code := ord(ch)
+procedure ClrBuf();
+ ch: integer;
+ while KeyPressed do
+ GetKey(ch)
+function CompareArrow(ChCode: integer): direction;
+ case ChCode of
+ LeftArrow: CompareArrow := left;
+ RightArrow: CompareArrow := right;
+ UpArrow: CompareArrow := turning;
+ DownArrow: CompareArrow := down
+ end
+procedure SetUserDirection(var shape: ShapeList; var status: GameStatus);
+ key: integer;
+ GetKey(key);
+ case key of
+ LeftArrow: begin
+ if status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ shape.CurDir := CompareArrow(key);
+ status.TurnsCount := status.TurnsCount + 1;
+ status.IsUserInput := true
+ end
+ end;
+ RightArrow: begin
+ if status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ shape.CurDir := CompareArrow(key);
+ status.TurnsCount := status.TurnsCount + 1;
+ status.IsUserInput := true
+ end
+ end;
+ UpArrow: begin
+ if status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ if not shape.IsSquare then
+ begin
+ shape.CurDir := CompareArrow(key);
+ status.TurnsCount := status.TurnsCount + 1;
+ status.IsUserInput := true
+ end
+ else
+ shape.CurDir := down
+ end
+ end;
+ DownArrow: begin
+ if status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ status.fall := true;
+ shape.CurDir := down
+ end
+ end;
+ esc: status.GoOut := true;
+ WhiteSpace: status.pause := true
+ end;
+ {for press sequence}
+ if KeyPressed then
+ begin
+ GetKey(key);
+ case key of
+ esc: status.GoOut := true;
+ WhiteSpace: status.pause := true
+ end
+ end;
+ ClrBuf
+procedure PrintTurnsCount(TurnsCount: byte);
+ GotoXY(36,14);
+ TextColor(White);
+ write('Movement counter: ', TurnsCount);
+ if TurnsCount = LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ GotoXY(36, 15);
+ write('LIMIT');
+ GotoXY(1, 1);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ GotoXY(36, 15);
+ write(' ');
+ GotoXY(1, 1)
+ end
+procedure NewTetramino(var shape, NextShape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders;
+ var status: GameStatus);
+ if NextShape.first = nil then
+ begin
+ shape.first := nil;
+ shape.last := nil;
+ FigureInitial(shape, CurBorders)
+ end
+ else
+ shape := NextShape;
+ status.fall := false;
+ shape.IsSquare := FindSquareShape(shape);
+ shape.CanTurn := true;
+ if FigureInVision(shape, CurBorders) then
+ FindCenterFigure(shape);
+ NextShape.first := nil;
+ NextShape.last := nil;
+ FigureInitial(NextShape, CurBorders);
+ PrintPreviewShape(NextShape);
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, false);
+ status.TurnsCount := 0;
+ PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount);
+ delay(StartingDuration);
+ if FigureInVision(shape, CurBorders) and KeyPressed then
+ begin
+ {PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount);}
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status);
+ PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount)
+ end
+procedure MakePause(var status: GameStatus);
+ key: integer;
+ GotoXY(36, 3);
+ TextColor(White);
+ write('PAUSE');
+ GetKey(key);
+ while true do
+ begin
+ case key of
+ WhiteSpace: begin
+ status.pause := false;
+ GotoXY(36, 3);
+ write(' ');
+ GotoXY(1, 1);
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ GetKey(key)
+ end
+ end
+procedure GameIsOvers(status: GameStatus);
+ WinMsg = 'YOU WIN';
+ LoseMsg = 'YOU LOSE';
+ MsgX, MsgY: integer;
+ clrscr;
+ TextColor(White);
+ MsgY := ScreenHeight div 2;
+ if status.IsWin then
+ begin
+ MsgX := (ScreenWidth - Length(WinMsg)) div 2;
+ GotoXY(MsgX, MsgY);
+ write(WinMsg)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ MsgX := (ScreenWidth - Length(LoseMsg)) div 2;
+ GotoXY(MsgX, MsgY);
+ write(LoseMsg)
+ end
+procedure PrintRules;
+ RulesTotal = 11;
+ MaxLength = 50;
+ MaxLengthIdx = 10;
+ ControlLines = 7;
+ LinesType = array [1..RulesTotal] of string[MaxLength];
+ lines: LinesType =
+ (
+ 'Control keys:', 'moving left - <-', 'moving right - ->',
+ 'figure turn - ^', 'fall down - (down arrow)', 'pause - whitespace',
+ 'exit - esc', 'Scoring system:', '50 points for completing 1 row',
+ 'combo X2, X3 and X4 to the current points',
+ 'You need to score 100 000 points'
+ );
+ i, x, y: integer;
+ TextColor(White);
+ x := ScreenWidth - length(lines[MaxLengthIdx]) + 1;
+ y := 1;
+ GotoXY(x, y);
+ for i := 1 to ControlLines do
+ begin
+ write(lines[i]);
+ y := y + 1;
+ GotoXY(x, y)
+ end;
+ y := y + 1;
+ GotoXY(x, y);
+ for i := ControlLines + 1 to RulesTotal do
+ begin
+ write(lines[i]);
+ y := y + 1;
+ GotoXY(x, y)
+ end
+procedure PrintPoints(DropCount: byte; status: GameStatus);
+ TextColor(White);
+ GotoXY(36, 13);
+ if DropCount = 1 then
+ write('50 points')
+ else
+ write('COMBO X', DropCount);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ GotoXY(36, 13);
+ write(' ');
+ GotoXY(36, 12);
+ write(' ');
+ GotoXY(36, 12);
+ write('Current points: ', status.CurPoints);
+procedure PreviewBorderDrawing;
+ x = 36;
+ y = 6;
+ width = 8;
+ height = 5;
+ i, j: integer;
+ for i := y to y+height do
+ for j := x to x+width do
+ begin
+ if ((j = x) or (j = x+width)) and (i >= y + 1) and
+ (i <= y + height - 1) then
+ begin
+ GotoXY(j, i);
+ write('|')
+ end
+ else if (i = y) or (i = y+height) then
+ begin
+ GotoXY(j, i);
+ write('-')
+ end
+ end
+procedure FieldDrawing(CurBorders: borders);
+ i, j: integer;
+ for i := CurBorders.up to CurBorders.down do
+ for j := CurBorders.left to CurBorders.right+1 do
+ if (j = CurBorders.left) or
+ (j = CurBorders.right+1) then
+ begin
+ GotoXY(j, i);
+ write('|')
+ end;
+ GotoXY(CurBorders.left, CurBorders.down+1);
+ for i := CurBorders.left to CurBorders.right+1 do
+ write('-')
+procedure SetParamsGame(var status: GameStatus; var arr: WayFinding;
+ GoOut: boolean; CurBorders: borders);
+ status.GoOut := GoOut;
+ if not GoOut then
+ begin
+ FieldDrawing(CurBorders);
+ PreviewBorderDrawing;
+ InitMassive(arr);
+ GotoXY(36, 12);
+ write('Current points: ', 0);
+ PrintRules
+ end;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.fall := false;
+ status.CurPoints := 0;
+ status.IsWin := false;
+procedure ReloadGame(var arr: WayFinding; var status: GameStatus;
+ CurBorders: borders);
+ Msg = 'Reload Game? Y/N';
+ MsgX, MsgY: integer;
+ ch, i: integer;
+ MsgX := (ScreenWidth - Length(Msg)) div 2;
+ MsgY := (ScreenHeight div 2) + 1;
+ GotoXY(MsgX, MsgY);
+ TextColor(White);
+ write(Msg);
+ GetKey(ch);
+ while true do
+ begin
+ case chr(ch) of
+ 'y', 'Y': begin
+ clrscr;
+ for i := 1 to MaxLine do
+ ClearSquaresAndTree(arr[i].root);
+ SetParamsGame(status, arr, false, CurBorders)
+ end;
+ 'n', 'N': begin
+ clrscr;
+ for i := 1 to MaxLine do
+ ClearSquaresAndTree(arr[i].root);
+ SetParamsGame(status, arr, true, CurBorders)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ GetKey(ch);
+ continue
+ end;
+ end;
+ exit
+ end
+procedure CheckFillLine(var arr: WayFinding; var shape: ShapeList;
+ CurBorders: borders; var status: GameStatus);
+ PosFillLine: integer;
+ DropCount: byte = 0;
+ PosFillLine := SearchFillViaShape(arr, shape);
+ while PosFillLine <> 0 do
+ begin
+ DropLine(arr, PosFillLine, CurBorders);
+ DropCount := DropCount + 1;
+ if DropCount = 1 then
+ status.CurPoints := status.CurPoints + 50
+ else
+ status.CurPoints := status.CurPoints * DropCount;
+ PrintPoints(DropCount, status);
+ if status.CurPoints >= MaxPoints then
+ begin
+ status.IsWin := true;
+ GameIsOvers(status);
+ ReloadGame(arr, status, CurBorders);
+ exit
+ end;
+ PosFillLine := SearchOtherFill(arr, PosFillLine)
+ end
+procedure StayAtBottom(var shape, ChangedShape, NextShape: ShapeList;
+ var arr: WayFinding; CurBorders: borders;
+ var status: GameStatus);
+ ClearShape(ChangedShape.first);
+ ChangedShape.first := nil;
+ ChangedShape.last := nil;
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, true);
+ := -1;
+ := -1;
+ AddInTree(shape, arr);
+ CheckFillLine(arr, shape, CurBorders, status);
+ if status.GoOut then
+ exit
+ else
+ NewTetramino(shape, NextShape, CurBorders, status)
+procedure SolveBorderProblem(var shape, ChangedShape: ShapeList;
+ CurBorders: borders; var status: GameStatus);
+ ClearShape(ChangedShape.first);
+ ChangedShape.first := nil;
+ ChangedShape.last := nil;
+ if status.TurnsCount >= LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ {Print previous place}
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, false);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0
+ end
+ else if status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, false);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ if KeyPressed then
+ begin
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status);
+ if status.pause then
+ begin
+ MakePause(status);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ if KeyPressed then
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status)
+ else
+ begin
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0
+ end
+ end;
+ PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ {default direction}
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0
+ end
+ end
+procedure SolveTetraminoCollision(var shape, ChangedShape, NextShape: ShapeList;
+ var arr: WayFinding; CurBorders: borders;
+ var status: GameStatus);
+ ClearShape(ChangedShape.first);
+ ChangedShape.first := nil;
+ ChangedShape.last := nil;
+ if IsHighestFigure(shape) then
+ begin
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, true);
+ GameIsOvers(status);
+ ReloadGame(arr, status, CurBorders);
+ if status.GoOut then
+ exit
+ else
+ NewTetramino(shape, NextShape, CurBorders, status);
+ exit
+ end;
+ if status.TurnsCount >= LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, false);
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0;
+ delay(FastDuration)
+ end
+ {stop above some shape}
+ else if shape.CurDir = down then
+ begin
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, true);
+ AddInTree(shape, arr);
+ CheckFillLine(arr, shape, CurBorders, status);
+ if status.GoOut then
+ exit
+ else
+ NewTetramino(shape, NextShape, CurBorders, status)
+ end
+ else if status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, false);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ if KeyPressed then
+ begin
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status);
+ if status.pause then
+ begin
+ MakePause(status);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ if KeyPressed then
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status)
+ else
+ begin
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0
+ end
+ end;
+ PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ {default direction}
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0
+ end
+ end
+procedure RepositionTetramino(var shape, ChangedShape: ShapeList;
+ CurBorders: borders; var status: GameStatus);
+ FallDown = 50;
+ if not shape.CanTurn and (shape.CurDir = turning) and not status.fall then
+ begin
+ if status.TurnsCount >= LimitTurns then
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ ClearShape(ChangedShape.first);
+ ChangedShape.first := nil;
+ ChangedShape.last := nil;
+ {Print previous place}
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, false);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ if KeyPressed and (status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns) then
+ begin
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status);
+ if status.pause then
+ begin
+ MakePause(status);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ if KeyPressed then
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status)
+ else
+ shape.CurDir := down
+ end;
+ PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount)
+ end
+ else if status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns then
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ shape.CanTurn := true
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ {Making Move or Turn}
+ ClearShape(shape.first);
+ {shape's center of figure has been got from ChangedShape}
+ shape := ChangedShape;
+ shape.CanTurn := true;
+ ChangedShape.first := nil;
+ ChangedShape.last := nil;
+ if shape.CurDir = down then
+ begin
+ status.TurnsCount := 0;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount)
+ end;
+ {Print previous place}
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, false, false);
+ if status.fall then
+ delay(FallDown)
+ else if not status.IsUserInput then
+ delay(StartingDuration)
+ else if status.IsUserInput then
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ {select next direction from user}
+ if not status.fall then
+ begin
+ if (status.TurnsCount < LimitTurns) and
+ FigureInVision(shape, CurBorders) and KeyPressed then
+ begin
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status);
+ if status.pause then
+ begin
+ MakePause(status);
+ delay(FastDuration);
+ if KeyPressed then
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status)
+ else
+ begin
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0
+ end
+ end;
+ PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount)
+ end
+ else if status.TurnsCount = LimitTurns then
+ begin
+ {only for pause or exit}
+ if KeyPressed then
+ SetUserDirection(shape, status);
+ if status.pause then
+ begin
+ MakePause(status);
+ delay(FastDuration)
+ end;
+ shape.CurDir := down;
+ status.IsUserInput := false;
+ status.TurnsCount := 0;
+ PrintTurnsCount(status.TurnsCount);
+ end
+ {default direction}
+ else
+ shape.CurDir := down
+ end
+ end
+function CheckResolutionDisplay: boolean;
+ width = 101;
+ height = 31;
+ msg1 = 'Your display is smaller than required. Sorry!';
+ msg2 = 'Please press any key...';
+ x, y: integer;
+ key: integer;
+ if (ScreenWidth < width) or (ScreenHeight < height) then
+ begin
+ x := 1;
+ y := ScreenHeight div 2;
+ GotoXY(x ,y);
+ write(msg1);
+ GotoXY(x, y + 1);
+ write(msg2);
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if KeyPressed then
+ begin
+ ClrBuf;
+ break
+ end
+ end;
+ CheckResolutionDisplay := false;
+ exit
+ end;
+ CheckResolutionDisplay := true
+ SaveTextAttr: integer;
+ shape, ChangedShape, NextShape: ShapeList;
+ CurBorders: borders;
+ arr: WayFinding;
+ IsObstacle: boolean;
+ key: integer;
+ status: GameStatus;
+ clrscr;
+ if not CheckResolutionDisplay then
+ begin
+ writeln;
+ halt(1)
+ end;
+ randomize;
+ SaveTextAttr := TextAttr;
+ SetBorders(CurBorders, 1, CupWidth, BeginCup, CupHeight);
+ SetParamsGame(status, arr, false, CurBorders);
+ NextShape.first := nil;
+ NewTetramino(shape, NextShape, CurBorders, status);
+ while true do
+ begin
+ PrintAndHideShape(shape, CurBorders, true, true);
+ {expected movement}
+ {IsObstacle's init in CheckBorders each time}
+ CheckBorders(shape, ChangedShape, CurBorders, IsObstacle);
+ if IsObstacle and (shape.CurDir = down) then
+ StayAtBottom(shape, ChangedShape, NextShape, arr, CurBorders,
+ status)
+ else if IsObstacle then
+ SolveBorderProblem(shape, ChangedShape, CurBorders, status)
+ else
+ begin
+ LineInspection(shape, ChangedShape, arr, IsObstacle);
+ if IsObstacle then
+ SolveTetraminoCollision(shape, ChangedShape, NextShape, arr,
+ CurBorders, status)
+ else
+ RepositionTetramino(shape, ChangedShape, CurBorders, status)
+ end;
+ if KeyPressed then
+ begin
+ GetKey(key);
+ case key of
+ esc: break;
+ WhiteSpace: continue
+ else
+ ClrBuf
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if status.GoOut then
+ break;
+ if status.pause then
+ continue
+ end
+ end;
+ TextAttr := SaveTextAttr;
+ clrscr