unit figure; interface const CupWidth = 31; CupHeight = 30; BeginCup = 1; WidthSquare = 3; HeightSquare = 2; type direction = (left, right, up, down, turning, center); borders = record left, right, up, down: integer end; SquareItemPtr = ^SquareItem; SquareItem = record x: integer; y: integer; next: SquareItemPtr; {for define center of figure} CurDir: direction; color: word; end; ShapeList = record first: SquareItemPtr; last: SquareItemPtr; {for define moving of figure} CurDir: direction; cx, cy: integer; IsSquare: boolean; CanTurn: boolean; end; ExpectedPlace = record FromX: integer; FromY: integer; CurSide: direction; end; TempSquareItemPtr = ^TempSquareItem; TempSquareItem = record OldX: integer; OldY: integer; ActualSquare: SquareItemPtr; next: TempSquareItemPtr; end; ProcValuesType = record first: TempSquareItemPtr; last: TempSquareItemPtr; end; EdgeType = record x, y: integer; end; function IsHighestFigure(shape: ShapeList): boolean; function FigureInVision(shape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders): boolean; function FindSquareShape(shape: ShapeList): boolean; function IsAboveTop(square: SquareItemPtr; CurBorders: borders): boolean; procedure SetBorders(var CurBorders: borders; left, right, up, down: integer); procedure CreateSquare(var shape: ShapeList; color: word); procedure PrintAndHideShape(shape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders; HideShape, HideCenter: boolean); procedure CheckBorders(var shape, ChangedShape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders; var IsObstacle: boolean); procedure FigureInitial(var shape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders); procedure CalculateNewXY(shape: ShapeList; var ChangedShape: ShapeList); procedure FindCenterFigure(var shape: ShapeList); procedure ComputeTurn(var ChangedShape: ShapeList); procedure ClearShape(var square: SquareItemPtr); procedure InitEdges(var LeftEdge, RightEdge, UpEdge, DownEdge: EdgeType; shape: ShapeList); procedure PrintPreviewShape(NextShape: ShapeList); implementation uses crt; const MaxSquaresFromCenter = 3; type MadeTurn = record x: integer; y: integer; end; ArrTurn = array [1..MaxSquaresFromCenter] of MadeTurn; AllTurnsType = record left, right: ArrTurn; up, down: ArrTurn; end; TypeSort = (increase, decrease); function FindSquareShape(shape: ShapeList): boolean; const SquareSide = 2; UpperBorder = -1; type SidesType = record x1, x2: integer; CountX1, CountX2: integer; end; var sides: SidesType; square: SquareItemPtr; begin square := shape.first; sides.x1 := square^.x; sides.CountX1 := 1; sides.x2 := 0; sides.CountX2 := 0; square := square^.next; while square <> nil do begin if square^.y >= UpperBorder then begin if (square^.x = sides.x1) then sides.CountX1 := sides.CountX1 + 1 else if (square^.x = sides.x2) then sides.CountX2 := sides.CountX2 + 1 else if sides.x2 = 0 then begin sides.CountX2 := 1; sides.x2 := square^.x end end; square := square^.next end; FindSquareShape := (sides.CountX1 = SquareSide) and (sides.CountX2 = SquareSide) end; function IsHighestFigure(shape: ShapeList): boolean; var square: SquareItemPtr; begin square := shape.first; while square <> nil do begin if square^.y < 1 then begin IsHighestFigure := true; exit end; square := square^.next end; IsHighestFigure := false end; procedure SetBorders(var CurBorders: borders; left, right, up, down: integer); begin CurBorders.left := left; CurBorders.right := right; CurBorders.up := up; CurBorders.down := down end; function IsPlaceTaken(x, y: integer; shape: ShapeList): boolean; var square: SquareItemPtr; begin square := shape.first; while square <> nil do begin if (square^.x = x) and (square^.y = y) then begin IsPlaceTaken := true; exit end else square := square^.next end; IsPlaceTaken := false end; function CorrectPos(place: ExpectedPlace; shape: ShapeList) : boolean; var CurX, CurY: integer; begin CurX := place.FromX; CurY := place.FromY; case place.CurSide of left: CorrectPos := not IsPlaceTaken(CurX - WidthSquare, CurY, shape); right: CorrectPos := not IsPlaceTaken(CurX + WidthSquare, CurY, shape); up: CorrectPos := not IsPlaceTaken(CurX, CurY - HeightSquare, shape); down: CorrectPos := not IsPlaceTaken(CurX, CurY + HeightSquare, shape) end end; procedure SetLastSquare(var shape: ShapeList; x, y: integer; CurDir: direction); begin shape.last^.x := x; shape.last^.y := y; shape.last^.CurDir := CurDir end; procedure SelectPos(var shape: ShapeList; TotalSquares: integer); const sides = 4; var place: ExpectedPlace; tmp: SquareItemPtr; IdxSquare, i: integer; begin tmp := shape.first; IdxSquare := random(TotalSquares); for i:= 1 to IdxSquare do tmp := tmp^.next; place.FromX := tmp^.x; place.FromY := tmp^.y; place.CurSide := direction(random(sides)); while not CorrectPos(place, shape) or ((place.CurSide = down) and ((place.FromY + HeightSquare) > 1)) do place.CurSide := direction(random(sides)); case place.CurSide of left: SetLastSquare(shape, place.FromX - WidthSquare, place.FromY, left); right: SetLastSquare(shape, place.FromX + WidthSquare, place.FromY, right); up: SetLastSquare(shape, place.FromX, place.FromY - HeightSquare, up); down: SetLastSquare(shape, place.FromX, place.FromY + HeightSquare, down) end; end; procedure ClearShape(var square: SquareItemPtr); begin if square = nil then exit; ClearShape(square^.next); dispose(square) end; procedure CreateLineShape(var shape: ShapeList; color: word); var x, y: integer; begin if shape.first = nil then begin new(shape.first); shape.last := shape.first end else begin x := shape.last^.x; y := shape.last^.y - HeightSquare; new(shape.last^.next); shape.last := shape.last^.next; shape.last^.x := x; shape.last^.y := y; shape.last^.CurDir := up; end; shape.last^.next := nil; shape.last^.color := color end; procedure CreateSquare(var shape: ShapeList; color: word); begin if shape.first = nil then begin new(shape.first); shape.last := shape.first end else begin new(shape.last^.next); shape.last := shape.last^.next end; shape.last^.next := nil; shape.last^.color := color end; function IsOnBorders(ChangedShape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders): boolean; var square: SquareItemPtr; begin square := ChangedShape.first; while square <> nil do begin if (square^.x < CurBorders.left) or (square^.x + WidthSquare - 1 > CurBorders.right) or (square^.y + HeightSquare - 1 > CurBorders.down) then begin IsOnBorders := true; exit end; square := square^.next end; IsOnBorders := false end; function IsAboveTop(square: SquareItemPtr; CurBorders: borders): boolean; begin IsAboveTop := square^.y < CurBorders.up end; function FigureInVision(shape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders): boolean; var square: SquareItemPtr; begin square := shape.first; while square <> nil do begin if IsAboveTop(square, CurBorders) then begin FigureInVision := false; exit end; square := square^.next end; FigureInVision := true end; procedure ClearPreview; const PrX = 37; PrY = 7; MaxHeight = 4; MaxWidth = 7; var i, j: integer; begin for i := 0 to MaxHeight-1 do begin for j := 0 to MaxWidth-1 do begin GotoXY(PrX+j, PrY+i); write(' ') end; writeln end end; procedure PrintPreviewShape(NextShape: ShapeList); const PrX = 40; PrY = 10; type FindOutPos = record square: SquareItemPtr; px, py: integer; end; var PosArr: array [1..4] of FindOutPos; square: SquareItemPtr; i, j: integer; dx, dy: integer; begin ClearPreview; i := 1; square := NextShape.first; PosArr[i].square := square; PosArr[i].px := PrX; PosArr[i].py := PrY; GotoXY(PosArr[i].px, PosArr[i].py); TextColor(NextShape.first^.color); write('*'); square := square^.next; while square <> nil do begin i := i + 1; PosArr[i].square := square; case square^.CurDir of left: begin dx := WidthSquare; dy := 0 end; right: begin dx := -WidthSquare; dy := 0 end; up: begin dx := 0; dy := HeightSquare end; down: begin dx := 0; dy := -HeightSquare end end; for j := i-1 downto 1 do begin if (PosArr[j].square^.x = square^.x + dx) and (PosArr[j].square^.y = square^.y + dy) then begin case square^.CurDir of left: begin PosArr[i].px := PosArr[j].px - 1; PosArr[i].py := PosArr[j].py end; right: begin PosArr[i].px := PosArr[j].px + 1; PosArr[i].py := PosArr[j].py end; up: begin PosArr[i].px := PosArr[j].px; PosArr[i].py := PosArr[j].py - 1 end; down: begin PosArr[i].px := PosArr[j].px; PosArr[i].py := PosArr[j].py + 1 end else continue end end else continue; GotoXY(PosArr[i].px, PosArr[i].py); write('*') end; square := square^.next end end; procedure PrintAndHideShape(shape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders; HideShape, HideCenter: boolean); var square: SquareItemPtr; i, j: integer; IsCenter: boolean = false; begin square := shape.first; while square <> nil do begin for i := 0 to HeightSquare-1 do begin for j := 0 to WidthSquare-1 do begin if not IsAboveTop(square, CurBorders) then begin if not shape.IsSquare and (square^.x+j = shape.cx) and (square^.y+i = shape.cy) and not HideShape and not HideCenter then IsCenter := true; if IsCenter then TextColor(Red) else if not HideShape then TextColor(square^.color); GotoXY(square^.x+j, square^.y+i); if not HideShape then write('*') else write(' ') end end; writeln end; IsCenter := false; square := square^.next end; GotoXY(1, 1) end; procedure FindCenterFigure(var shape: ShapeList); var square: SquareItemPtr; TempSquare: SquareItemPtr; begin {square shape dont have any center} if shape.IsSquare then exit; {centers were initialized} if (shape.cx <> - 1) and (shape.cy <> -1) then exit; shape.cx := shape.first^.x; shape.cy := shape.first^.y; square := shape.first; while square <> nil do begin TempSquare := shape.first; while TempSquare <> nil do begin if (square <> TempSquare) and (square^.CurDir = TempSquare^.CurDir) then begin shape.cx := square^.x; shape.cy := square^.y; exit end; TempSquare := TempSquare^.next end; square := square^.next end end; procedure InitEdges(var LeftEdge, RightEdge, UpEdge, DownEdge: EdgeType; shape: ShapeList); var square: SquareItemPtr; begin LeftEdge.x := 0; LeftEdge.y := 0; RightEdge.x := 0; RightEdge.y := 0; UpEdge.x := 0; UpEdge.y := 0; DownEdge.x := 0; DownEdge.y := 0; square := shape.first; while square <> nil do begin {left} if square^.x < shape.cx then begin if LeftEdge.x = 0 then begin LeftEdge.x := square^.x; LeftEdge.y := square^.y end else if square^.x < LeftEdge.x then begin LeftEdge.x := square^.x; LeftEdge.y := square^.y end else if (square^.x = LeftEdge.x) and (square^.y < LeftEdge.y) then begin LeftEdge.x := square^.x; LeftEdge.y := square^.y end end; {right} if square^.x > shape.cx then begin if RightEdge.x = 0 then begin RightEdge.x := square^.x; RightEdge.y := square^.y end else if square^.x > RightEdge.x then begin RightEdge.x := square^.x; RightEdge.y := square^.y end else if (square^.x = RightEdge.x) and (square^.y > RightEdge.y) then begin RightEdge.x := square^.x; RightEdge.y := square^.y end end; {up} if square^.y < shape.cy then begin if UpEdge.y = 0 then begin UpEdge.x := square^.x; UpEdge.y := square^.y end else if square^.y < UpEdge.y then begin UpEdge.x := square^.x; UpEdge.y := square^.y end else if (square^.y = UpEdge.y) and (square^.x > UpEdge.x) then begin UpEdge.x := square^.x; UpEdge.y := square^.y end end; {down} if square^.y > shape.cy then begin if DownEdge.y = 0 then begin DownEdge.x := square^.x; DownEdge.y := square^.y end else if square^.y > DownEdge.y then begin DownEdge.x := square^.x; DownEdge.y := square^.y end else if (square^.y = DownEdge.y) and (square^.x < DownEdge.x) then begin UpEdge.x := square^.x; UpEdge.y := square^.y end end; square := square^.next end end; procedure CopyShape(shape: ShapeList; var ChangedShape: ShapeList); var square: SquareItemPtr; begin square := shape.first; while square <> nil do begin CreateSquare(ChangedShape, Black); ChangedShape.last^.x := square^.x; ChangedShape.last^.y := square^.y; ChangedShape.last^.CurDir := square^.CurDir; ChangedShape.last^.color := square^.color; square := square^.next end; ChangedShape.CurDir := shape.CurDir; ChangedShape.IsSquare := shape.IsSquare; ChangedShape.cx := shape.cx; ChangedShape.cy := shape.cy end; procedure CalculateNewXY(shape: ShapeList; var ChangedShape: ShapeList); var dx, dy: integer; square: SquareItemPtr; begin case shape.CurDir of left: begin dx := -WidthSquare; dy := 0 end; right: begin dx := WidthSquare; dy := 0 end; down: begin dx := 0; dy := HeightSquare end end; square := ChangedShape.first; while square <> nil do begin square^.x := square^.x + dx; square^.y := square^.y + dy; square := square^.next end; ChangedShape.cx := ChangedShape.cx + dx; ChangedShape.cy := ChangedShape.cy + dy end; procedure swap(var first, second: MadeTurn); var temp: MadeTurn; begin temp := first; first := second; second := temp end; procedure SortArr(var CurArr: ArrTurn; SortWay: TypeSort; CurDir: direction); const n = 2; var i, j: integer; begin if SortWay = increase then begin for i := 0 to n - 1 do for j := 0 to n - 1 - i do begin if CurDir = right then begin if CurArr[j+1].x > CurArr[j+2].x then swap(CurArr[j+1], CurArr[j+2]) end else if CurDir = down then if CurArr[j+1].x > CurArr[j+2].x then swap(CurArr[j+1], CurArr[j+2]) end end else for i := 0 to n - 1 do for j := 0 to n - 1 - i do begin if CurDir = left then begin if CurArr[j+1].x < CurArr[j+2].x then swap(CurArr[j+1], CurArr[j+2]) end else if CurDir = up then if CurArr[j+1].y < CurArr[j+2].y then swap(CurArr[j+1], CurArr[j+2]) end end; function FindSquare(ProcValues: ProcValuesType; x, y: integer) : SquareItemPtr; var TempSquare: TempSquareItemPtr; begin TempSquare := ProcValues.first; while TempSquare <> nil do begin if (TempSquare^.OldX = x) and (TempSquare^.OldY = y) then begin FindSquare := TempSquare^.ActualSquare; exit end; TempSquare := TempSquare^.next end; FindSquare := nil end; {for searching old values which not containing completed offset} procedure AddProcValue(var ProcValues: ProcValuesType; OldX, OldY: integer; square: SquareItemPtr); begin if ProcValues.first = nil then begin new(ProcValues.first); ProcValues.last := ProcValues.first end else begin new(ProcValues.last^.next); ProcValues.last := ProcValues.last^.next end; ProcValues.last^.next := nil; ProcValues.last^.OldX := OldX; ProcValues.last^.OldY := OldY; ProcValues.last^.ActualSquare := square end; procedure MakeOffset(CurXY: MadeTurn; var pos: SquareItemPtr; CurDir: direction; var TotalOffset: integer; var RememberValue: integer; var ProcValues: ProcValuesType); var FoundPos: SquareItemPtr; IsSequence: boolean = false; offset: integer; begin case CurDir of left: begin if CurXY.y = RememberValue then begin TotalOffset := TotalOffset + 1; IsSequence := true end; if IsSequence then offset := TotalOffset else offset := 1; FoundPos := FindSquare(ProcValues, CurXY.x, CurXY.y); if FoundPos <> nil then begin FoundPos^.x := FoundPos^.x - offset; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('left ', FoundPos^.x, ' ', FoundPos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} end else begin pos^.x := CurXY.x - offset; pos^.y := CurXY.y; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('left ', pos^.x, ' ', pos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} AddProcValue(ProcValues, CurXY.x, CurXY.y, pos); pos := pos^.next end end; right: begin if CurXY.y = RememberValue then begin TotalOffset := TotalOffset + 1; IsSequence := true end; if IsSequence then offset := TotalOffset else offset := 1; FoundPos := FindSquare(ProcValues, CurXY.x, CurXY.y); if FoundPos <> nil then begin FoundPos^.x := FoundPos^.x + offset; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('right ', FoundPos^.x, ' ', FoundPos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} end else begin pos^.x := CurXY.x + offset; pos^.y := CurXY.y; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('right ', pos^.x, ' ', pos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} AddProcValue(ProcValues, CurXY.x, CurXY.y, pos); pos := pos^.next end end; up: begin if CurXY.x = RememberValue then begin TotalOffset := TotalOffset + 1; IsSequence := true end; if IsSequence then offset := TotalOffset else offset := 1; FoundPos := FindSquare(ProcValues, CurXY.x, CurXY.y); if FoundPos <> nil then begin FoundPos^.y := FoundPos^.y + offset; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('up ', FoundPos^.x, ' ', FoundPos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} end else begin pos^.x := CurXY.x; pos^.y := CurXY.y + offset; AddProcValue(ProcValues, CurXY.x, CurXY.y, pos); pos := pos^.next end end; down: begin if CurXY.x = RememberValue then begin TotalOffset := TotalOffset + 1; IsSequence := true end; if IsSequence then offset := TotalOffset else offset := 1; FoundPos := FindSquare(ProcValues, CurXY.x, CurXY.y); if FoundPos <> nil then begin FoundPos^.y := FoundPos^.y - offset; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('down ', FoundPos^.x, ' ', FoundPos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} end else begin pos^.x := CurXY.x; pos^.y := CurXY.y - offset; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('down ', pos^.x, ' ', pos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} AddProcValue(ProcValues, CurXY.x, CurXY.y, pos); pos := pos^.next end end end end; procedure ExtractFromArr(CurArr: ArrTurn; var pos: SquareItemPtr; CurDir: direction; var ProcValues: ProcValuesType); var i: integer = 1; ShiftQuantity: integer = 1; RememberValue: integer; FoundPos: SquareItemPtr; begin while (i <= MaxSquaresFromCenter) and (CurArr[i].x = 0) and (CurArr[i].y = 0) do i := i + 1; if i <= MaxSquaresFromCenter then begin case CurDir of left: begin RememberValue := CurArr[i].y; FoundPos := FindSquare(ProcValues, CurArr[i].x, CurArr[i].y); if FoundPos <> nil then begin FoundPos^.x := FoundPos^.x - ShiftQuantity; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('left ', FoundPos^.x, ' ', FoundPos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} end else begin pos^.x := CurArr[i].x - ShiftQuantity; pos^.y := CurArr[i].y; AddProcValue(ProcValues, CurArr[i].x, CurArr[i].y, pos); {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('left ', pos^.x, ' ', pos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} pos := pos^.next end; end; right: begin RememberValue := CurArr[i].y; FoundPos := FindSquare(ProcValues, CurArr[i].x, CurArr[i].y); if FoundPos <> nil then begin FoundPos^.x := FoundPos^.x + ShiftQuantity; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('right ', FoundPos^.x, ' ', FoundPos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} end else begin pos^.x := CurArr[i].x + ShiftQuantity; pos^.y := CurArr[i].y; AddProcValue(ProcValues, CurArr[i].x, CurArr[i].y, pos); {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('right ', pos^.x, ' ', pos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} pos := pos^.next end end; up: begin RememberValue := CurArr[i].x; FoundPos := FindSquare(ProcValues, CurArr[i].x, CurArr[i].y); if FoundPos <> nil then begin FoundPos^.y := FoundPos^.y + ShiftQuantity; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('up ', FoundPos^.x, ' ', FoundPos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} end else begin pos^.x := CurArr[i].x; pos^.y := CurArr[i].y + ShiftQuantity; AddProcValue(ProcValues, CurArr[i].x, CurArr[i].y, pos); {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('up ', pos^.x, ' ', pos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} pos := pos^.next end end; down: begin RememberValue := CurArr[i].x; FoundPos := FindSquare(ProcValues, CurArr[i].x, CurArr[i].y); if FoundPos <> nil then begin FoundPos^.y := FoundPos^.y - ShiftQuantity; {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('down ', FoundPos^.x, ' ', FoundPos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} end else begin pos^.x := CurArr[i].x; pos^.y := CurArr[i].y - ShiftQuantity; AddProcValue(ProcValues, CurArr[i].x, CurArr[i].y, pos); {$IFDEF DEBUG} write('down ', pos^.x, ' ', pos^.y, ' '); {$ENDIF} pos := pos^.next end end end end else exit; for i := i + 1 to MaxSquaresFromCenter do if (CurArr[i].x = 0) and (CurArr[i].y = 0) then continue else MakeOffset(CurArr[i], pos, CurDir, ShiftQuantity, RememberValue, ProcValues) end; procedure AddToArr(var CurArr: ArrTurn; x, y: integer); var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to MaxSquaresFromCenter do if (CurArr[i].x = 0) and (CurArr[i].y = 0) then begin CurArr[i].x := x; CurArr[i].y := y; break end end; procedure PrintServiceMsg(x, y: integer; msg: string); const size = 30; var i: integer; begin GotoXY(x, y); for i := 1 to size do write(' '); GotoXY(x, y); write(msg) end; procedure UpdateChangedShape(var ChangedShape: ShapeList; AllTurns: AllTurnsType); var square: SquareItemPtr; ProcValues: ProcValuesType; begin ProcValues.first := nil; ProcValues.last := nil; {first square is a center of figure} ChangedShape.first^.x := ChangedShape.cx; ChangedShape.first^.y := ChangedShape.cy; square := ChangedShape.first^.next; {$IFDEF DEBUG} GotoXY(55, 20); write(' '); GotoXY(55, 20); write('centre: ', ChangedShape.cx, ' ', ChangedShape.cy, ' '); {$ENDIF} ExtractFromArr(AllTurns.left, square, left, ProcValues); ExtractFromArr(AllTurns.right, square, right, ProcValues); ExtractFromArr(AllTurns.up, square, up, ProcValues); ExtractFromArr(AllTurns.down, square, down, ProcValues) end; procedure FixTurnViaArr(square: SquareItemPtr; cx, cy, NewX, NewY: integer; var AllTurns: AllTurnsType); begin if (square^.x <> cx) or (square^.y <> cy) then begin if square^.x > cx then AddToArr(AllTurns.down, NewX, NewY); if square^.x < cx then AddToArr(AllTurns.up, NewX, NewY); if square^.y > cy then AddToArr(AllTurns.left, NewX, NewY); if square^.y < cy then AddToArr(AllTurns.right, NewX, NewY) end end; procedure InitArr(var AllTurns: AllTurnsType); var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to MaxSquaresFromCenter do begin AllTurns.left[i].x := 0; AllTurns.left[i].y := 0; AllTurns.right[i].x := 0; AllTurns.right[i].y := 0; AllTurns.up[i].x := 0; AllTurns.up[i].y := 0; AllTurns.down[i].x := 0; AllTurns.down[i].y := 0 end end; procedure PrintArr(arr: ArrTurn); var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to MaxSquaresFromCenter do write(arr[i].x, ' ', arr[i].y, ' ') end; procedure ComputeTurn(var ChangedShape: ShapeList); var AllTurns: AllTurnsType; NewX, NewY: integer; square: SquareItemPtr; begin InitArr(AllTurns); square := ChangedShape.first; while square <> nil do begin NewX := ChangedShape.cx - (square^.y - ChangedShape.cy); NewY := ChangedShape.cy + (square^.x - ChangedShape.cx); FixTurnViaArr(square, ChangedShape.cx, ChangedShape.cy, NewX, NewY, AllTurns); square := square^.next end; SortArr(AllTurns.left, decrease, left); SortArr(AllTurns.right, increase, right); SortArr(AllTurns.up, decrease, up); SortArr(AllTurns.down, increase, down); {$IFDEF DEBUG} PrintServiceMsg(55, 21, 'left arr: '); PrintArr(AllTurns.left); PrintServiceMsg(55, 22, 'right arr: '); PrintArr(AllTurns.right); PrintServiceMsg(55, 23, 'up arr: '); PrintArr(AllTurns.up); PrintServiceMsg(55, 24, 'down arr: '); PrintArr(AllTurns.down); {$ENDIF} UpdateChangedShape(ChangedShape, AllTurns) end; procedure CheckBorders(var shape: ShapeList; var ChangedShape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders; var IsObstacle: boolean); begin FindCenterFigure(shape); {ChangedShapes center has been got from shape} CopyShape(shape, ChangedShape); if shape.CurDir <> turning then CalculateNewXY(shape, ChangedShape) else ComputeTurn(ChangedShape); IsObstacle := false; if IsOnBorders(ChangedShape, CurBorders) then begin IsObstacle := true; exit end end; procedure FigureInitial(var shape: ShapeList; CurBorders: borders); const quantity = 3; ColorCount = 13; probability = 6; var TotalSquares: integer = 1; i: integer; AllColors: array [1..ColorCount] of word = ( Green, Cyan, Magenta, Brown, LightGray, DarkGray, LightBlue, LightGreen, LightCyan, LightRed, LightMagenta, Yellow, White ); color: word; LineShape: boolean = false; begin {creating first square} color := AllColors[random(ColorCount)+1]; LineShape := random(probability) = 0; if LineShape then CreateLineShape(shape, color) else CreateSquare(shape, color); shape.CurDir := down; shape.cx := -1; shape.cy := -1; shape.last^.x := CupWidth div 2 - 1; shape.last^.y := 1; shape.last^.CurDir := center; if LineShape then for i := 1 to quantity do CreateLineShape(shape, color) else begin {creating others squares} for i := 1 to quantity do begin CreateSquare(shape, color); SelectPos(shape, TotalSquares); TotalSquares := TotalSquares + 1 end end end; end.