/* * Processing of images uploaded by the user * (resizing, cropping, saving) */ #include "img_handler.hpp" #include "puzzle.hpp" #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #define STB_IMAGE_RESIZE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "lib/stb_image.h" #include "lib/stb_image_resize2.h" #include "lib/stb_image_write.h" #include #include #include #include #include ImageHandler::ImageHandler(const char *p) : source_path(p) { img_data = nullptr; resized_data = nullptr; /* * creating resources directory (if it didn't exist) */ std::filesystem::path res_path = std::string("resources"); if(!std::filesystem::exists(res_path)) std::filesystem::create_directory(res_path); #if defined(_WIN32) auto it = source_path.find_last_of('\\'); #else auto it = source_path.find_last_of('/'); #endif std::string file_name = source_path.substr(it + 1); std::string fn_withot_ext = file_name.substr(0, file_name.find_first_of('.')); #if defined(_WIN32) destination_directory = "resources\\" + fn_withot_ext + "\\"; #else destination_directory = "resources/" + fn_withot_ext + '/'; #endif std::filesystem::create_directory(destination_directory); } void ImageHandler::load_img() { img_data = stbi_load(source_path.c_str(), &in_width, &in_height, &channel, 0); } void ImageHandler::resize_img() { resized_data = reinterpret_cast(malloc(in_width * in_height * channel)); stbir_resize_uint8_linear(img_data, in_width, in_height, 0, resized_data, width, height, 0, (stbir_pixel_layout) channel); } void ImageHandler::save_img() { int x, y, i, j, k = 0; for(i = 0; i < puzzles_per_side; ++i) for(j = 0; j < puzzles_per_side; ++j, ++k) { x = i * puzzle_size; y = j * puzzle_size; std::string tmp_path = destination_directory + std::to_string(k / puzzles_per_side) + std::to_string(k % puzzles_per_side) + ".png"; stbi_write_png(tmp_path.c_str(), puzzle_size, puzzle_size, channel, resized_data + channel * (x + y * width), width * channel); } stbi_image_free(resized_data); stbi_image_free(img_data); }